
Additional instructions for configuring Exclaimer to work correctly with SecuMailer.


Exclaimer is a Microsoft Office 365, Exchange Server and G Suite solution for email signatures, archiving, email utilities & more.

It's possible to have Exclaimer and SecuMailer cooperate together to enjoy the benefits of both solutions. This appendix contains instructions for the proper setup of Exclaimer together with SecuMailer.

Exchange Admin Center

Please open a browser and provide the URL for your Exchange Admin Center.

In EAC select mail flow in the main menu and subsequently select rules from the context menu. In the rules overview move the Exclaimer rule above the SecuMailer rule(s) using the up arrow in the rules menu (see screenshot below).

Mail flow rule

After you've moved the Exclaimer rule above the SecuMailer rule, select the edit option to change the SecuMailer rule(s).

Change the first condition Apply this rule if... , add a condition by selecting A message header... from the drop down and select includes any of these words...

Click on Enter text... , fill in X-ExclaimerHostedSignatures-MessageProcessed and click on OK. Click on Enter words..., fill in true, click on the + symbol and click on OK. See below for an example.

Click on Save to store the change.

This change ensures that O365 / Exchange checks that the Exclaimer processing has completed successfully before sending the email to SecuMailer for further processing.

Last updated